Wiper Leader Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, Machakos governor Hon. Wavinya Ndeti, Machakos Senator Hon. Agnes Kavindu have today joined the judiciary led by Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu, President of the Court of Appeal Justice Daniel Musinga, Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya, Judges, Judicial Officers and Staff at Mamba Primary in Yatta to bid farewell to the late Magistrate Monica Kivuti , who died while receiving treatment in hospital following a shoot out in court.
Speaker after speaker called for enhanced security within court premises to avert such incidents in future.
Machakos County Senator Hon Agnes Kavindu called on national government to increase judiciary funding so that they can stop working from tents. She further encouraged Judicial Officers to continue delivering their roles without fear or favour.
“Monica died for not being corrupt and we should ensure we serve with integrity and I urge Parliament to adequately fund the Judiciary to ensure they have conducive working environments” She said
Former Vice President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka faulted the government for not allocating enough resources to the judiciary to build enough courts and security for judicial officers while on duty.
“The Constitution 2010 was to strengthen the Judiciary independence and specifically funding and therefore working in a tent today for the Judiciary is unacceptable” He said
Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu regretted the manner that the late Monica’s life was cut short while she was doing her job adding that following the incident every single judge and magistrate is in danger from senseless people who do not appreciate the rule of law.
“Life is God-given, and life should be taken away by God alone. If someone is unhappy with what the courts do, they should not kill us instead appeal our decisions” She said
The late Monica Kivuti was shot on Thursday, June 13, by an armed senior police officer while passing judgment on an accused person, said to be the wife of the officer, at Makadara Law Courts in Nairobi.
She leaves behind husband Mutimu Kang’ata and three children, comprising of a 18-months old toddler.