The late Rev. Fr. Fredrick Nguthu Mbuvi was laid to rest in a solemn ceremony at Mutune Diocesan Priests’ Cemetery, where hundreds of mourners gathered to bid farewell to the beloved priest. The funeral Mass, led by Rt. Rev. Joseph Mwongela, was a moment of deep reflection, prayer, and gratitude for a life dedicated to faith and service.

A Priest Remembered for His Compassion and Devotion
The late Fr. Fredrick Nguthu, who faithfully served the Catholic Diocese of Kitui for 22 years, was eulogized as a humble, kind-hearted, and dedicated servant of God. His spiritual journey was a testament to resilience and selfless service, having interrupted his seminary studies for six years to care for his orphaned siblings before resuming his priestly calling.
Speaking during the Mass, Bishop Mwongela emphasized the importance of spreading peace in one’s lifetime.
“Do not wait for someone to die to tell them to rest in peace. Instead, help them live in peace,” he urged the congregation, adding that true Christian life is about lifting others rather than becoming a burden to them.

A Journey of Faith and Service
Fr. Fredrick’s priestly journey saw him serve in multiple parishes, touching countless lives with his pastoral care:
- St. Joseph’s Mutito Parish (First posting)
- St. Joseph’s Kavisuni Parish
- St. Patrick’s Nguni Parish
- St. Augustine’s Nguutani Parish
- Mutomo Parish
- St. Paul the Apostle Kwa Kilui Parish (Final posting before his passing)

His commitment to the Church was unwavering, and he was deeply respected for his gentle nature, spiritual wisdom, and ability to bring hope to those struggling with life’s challenges.

An Emotional Farewell
Mourners, including fellow priests, religious leaders, and parishioners, recounted their experiences with Fr. Fredrick, remembering him as a man of prayer, an empathetic listener, and a true shepherd of his flock. Many could not hold back tears as they spoke of his generosity and dedication.

One parishioner recalled, “He was not just a priest; he was a father to many. He would visit the sick, comfort the grieving, and support the needy with the little he had.”
A Lasting Legacy
As his coffin was lowered into the sacred grounds of the Mutune Diocesan Priests’ Cemetery, the air was heavy with emotion, yet filled with the hope that his legacy of faith, love, and service would live on in the hearts of those he touched.

Fr. Fredrick Nguthu Mbuvi’s departure is not just a loss to the Church but to the entire Kitui Catholic faithful who found a shepherd in him. His gentle spirit and selfless heart will forever be remembered.
Rest in peace, Fr. Fredrick. Your work on earth is done, but your light will continue to shine in the lives of those you served.